Awaken Ananda

Welcome to the Awaken Ananda podcast! Learn ancient teachings for modern times. Priya will guide you to your A-nan-da, a Sanskrit word that means the field of all possibilities and your ultimate bliss.

After 18 years as a criminal defense lawyer, I went through an utter emptiness, disconnection, and depression. I felt lost, hopeless and consumed with melancholy. As I boldly experienced this “dark night of the soul” working deeply on my unconscious patterns – I awakened to my ultimate purpose and my life completely transformed. It is now my mission to help others transcend through their own rebirth process while experiencing integration, shadow work, embodiment, wholeness, and authenticity. I am not afraid of the darkness, as I have known my own. Priya has personally curated this space to awaken your highest potential – mind, body, and soul.

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Episodes for: Awaken Ananda