Colleen McCarthy
Feed the Spirit
Colleen McCarthy RDN, LD, CLT, RYT is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Massage Therapist, LEAP Therapist, Yoga Teacher and a Medical Intuitive. She specializes in all things GUT health, food sensitivities, eating disorders, and other inflammatory conditions. She view the body as a whole, working with the energetic bodies and the physical body, rather than as two separate, mechanical systems) to help align with your highest potential of optimal health.
Resetting the physical body, then energetic, then integrating the two. This shifts the way energy is held in your body, removes blockages-things that keep you from experiencing joy, clarity, and a sense of being exactly where you need to be.
Her background of schooling, education: UNC Charlotte: Bachelor of Arts in Dance Performance, Atlanta School of Massage: Life University: Bachelor of Science in Dietetics Cum Laude. Certified LEAP Therapist: Specializing in Food Sensitivities and Immune Function, Certified Yoga Instructor.*