Connect to ALL Beings with Sigrira

…and that means ALL of them! Even those we consider icky or pests.

Jamie and Sigrira talk about the importance of establishing a connection with the animals around us, and heart-based communication. Sigrira shares how she interacts with the natural world’s smallest denizens, and how to set appropriate boundaries for creatures that may not naturally recognize them.

Learn more about Sigrira and her services at, and click here check out her blog post about shifting your perspectives on cockroaches!


One comment to Connect to ALL Beings with Sigrira

  1. Karen Ryan at 10:35 pm

    One question though. I live in an old apartment building that is infested with ants and silver fish. I have been living with them for a few years now, but now I am finding them in my bed. That is a big no no, so today, I have set out a trap for the ants with borax, sugar and water recipe (which is not working so far). I tried not killing them, but I cannot afford to move but cannot stand living with them another minute. What do you suggest I do to get rid of them without killing them?

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