Aliens, UFOs, ETs… Oh My! with guest Darshana Patel

Jamie and Darshana discuss and share their personal experience with interdimensional beings and life outside this Universe through their work as mediums and energy healers.


2 comments to Aliens, UFOs, ETs… Oh My! with guest Darshana Patel

  1. kathleenyoungsma at 8:58 pm

    Hi! I am thinking that I totally understanding what you guys are talking about. I in a David Wilcock class right now called, “Ascension Mystery School.” He wrote information about ETs more, I need to read, it’s pretty long. I’ll let you know what he says :). I’m glad you are talking about this, and everything spiritual bc the more we talk about this our beautiful Earth’s frequencies.

  2. kathleenyoungsma at 9:08 pm

    Ok, I did have visitor, her name his Anwar. Major tall, thin wise and kind, she said she is here to answer what I was asking for, and that’s to trance channel. We tried once. I want to come to Atlanta and take that class 🙂

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