Astrological Opportunities of 2019

Jamie asks Laura Boone of The Real Ethereal onto the show to give her astrological forecast for the coming year. Laura shares the dates for the coming Mercury retrogrades and suggests different intentions to set for each month. 


4 comments to Astrological Opportunities of 2019

  1. Amora at 8:47 pm

    This was awesome! I just took 3 pages of notes, thank you both, and Sunny… made my heart melt!
    So that Halloween Mercury Retrograde ends the day before my birthday!

  2. Megan_wolfe at 4:25 pm

    Laura, I have two stellium houses in my chart that I looked up after this episode. Do you think there is enough to discuss on stelliums for a whole episode? So, I’ve been zipping around the net and others have spoken of balance and focusing on the opposite house of the stellium. I’m assuming stelliums are prevalent in natal charts and I’m a bit confused as to how I should interpret this one. Thanks!

  3. marnienaples at 1:39 pm

    I’m so excited for this year, especially because you guys are coming back to Kamloops BC! I am going to make sure I’m there this year to give you all hugs!! This was a fabulous show, I’ve marked all the dates and love that we can use these to be aware of the energies around us moving through the year. As above so below ♥️??♥️ Thank you Jamie & Laura.

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