Energy: Your Throat Chakra

Jamie shares her knowledge of the light-blue chakra of expression. Later, Colleen and Tom channeled through Jamie Butler chat about the relationship between the throat chakra, expression, honesty, and spiritual enlightenment. 


3 comments to Energy: Your Throat Chakra

  1. blowuptulip at 5:58 am

    Oh my god! This is such good stuff!!! I love Tom and I might even have a little crush on his energy theeheehee is that weird?! I always wondered how much of self expression (in terms of clothing etc) was ego and how much is just being completely authentic to who you are. Thank you Tom and LS team. I have so much gratitude for you.

  2. kmhass65 at 12:12 pm

    The timing of this video is right on for me. I am struggling with some issues with my adult children. A reiki healer said I needed to work on my throat chakra. I never thought of a chakra having too much energy! This video is short but holds so much information. I still have a few questions though. I can see that I go from too much to too little energy in my throat chakra. What causes that? How would I keep it from fluctuating, doing that bouncing up and down. When the chakra isn’t balanced how quickly can we bring it into balance. Is it common to have our chakras bouncing up and down? Once we learn how to balance them, what can throw them out of balance?

  3. kathleenyoungsma at 2:43 pm

    Sharing, and will check out the podcasts too YAY 🙂

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