Get Your CHI On

Dr. Julia invites Grammy nominee and Tai Chi Instructor Mitch Goldfarb onto the show to speak about this ancient Chinese martial art. Mitch details the benefits Tai Chi can bring when taught in schools, and ends the episode with a Tai Chi exercise you can do at home!

Visit Mitch’s blog at


2 comments to Get Your CHI On

  1. ladyastral67 at 11:45 am

    Nice intro to Tai Chi! I haven’t studied that modality but I have read very good results for many. When I needed CEUs for my LMBT renewal, I did a 4 day Qigong seminar that included the 9 Breath method, Food healing and 4 days of practicing Qigong. It was the most powerful seminar I have attended so much so that I went ahead and did the instructor certification for Level 1. Tai Chi and Qigong are great modalities to use for exercise, for meditation, for emotional release, and the list goes on. Both do not get enough exposure to the masses as I feel they are better than going to the gym for exercise!

    You have me pondering pulling out my notes and practicing as well as teaching it once again. Thank you!

    • Dr. Julia Spinolo at 8:31 am

      Oh wonderful! Keep me posted on your progress. 🙂

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