Graceful Insights: Asking Your Guides for Help
It’s a hard-knock life and a free-will universe; why is it important to ask your Spirit Guides for help? Jamie channels Grace to speak on the importance of asking your Guides and Angels for advice, and what to expect when asking for help.
17 comments to Graceful Insights: Asking Your Guides for Help
Very good video
Thank you.
Grace omg your talk on asking other’s for help and letting go of expectations & being OK with being vulnerable is speaking directly to my SOUL <3 Asking for help always requires a little bit of forgiveness for yourself and for others! This is what I am currently learning myself so this video is so so so helpful! Thank you Grace <3 <3 beautiful message.
Also LOVE your hair & makeup Jamie! Pretty!
Grace says thank you for your kind words. She also suggests you call on her whenever you need her. She sends you big love.
Jamie says, thank you for the compliments on the hair and makeup!! I am always trying to learn new ways of doing them.
Thank you Grace! I would love a live Facebook follow up where we could ask questions, or even just a part 2 where you talk more about this, I think you know all of my questions! Or, someone over there does!
Love you,
This is a great idea. I will let Colleen know. She is the one who helps me keep the topics all organized. We love following the needs of our Luminaires!
Thank you Jamie♡
I think something is wrong with the recording. I’ve tried to listen two nights in a row and it stops about 10 minutes in.
Let us know Laurie if it is still not working. The video is loaded correctly. It could be your internet. Try refreshing your browser this means you will need to log out and back into the network. for more information:
It works just fine here. Are you subscribed?
I choose a lot of things to do myself, by myself, no help, for learning purposes mostly.
Deadline: Yeah, let’s look at that… ‘dead’ ‘line’ …. sometime in this lifetime would be nice, like before I can’t do it or I’m dead…. 😛
It is nice to know help can be asked for though. Now I just have to realize what I’d like help with. Maybe help with what I need to ask for help on 😛
Ask on…
Beautiful words. Thank you, Grace. I will have to come back to this one often, I suspect, because I’m feeling a little dense these days and this feels like a bit of a challenge to me. Let the opening begin. Oh yes, let it begin. <3
Let it begin!! Love it. I also come back to her words. I find when I am growing and changing my world I need a lot of repeating and hand holding:)
This was beautiful, as well. I am always asking for help. lol! Or talking to them. I’ve gotten out of the habit of actually listening for feedback but I know I have, at times. I needed to know about community, though. I do not ask for help, with and by humans. So, a bit of a lesson there. I do spend quite a bit of time by myself. Thank You, Grace and Jamie.
I am still learning this lesson, big time. You would think i would remember to ask all the time, but i do not. We are all human. lol-Jamie
My goodness this was right on time! Appreciation and gratitude to Grace, Jamie, and the LSN. Thank you!