Graceful Insights- Earth & Climate

Jamie channels Grace, who delivers a frank talk on what we can do to help heal the earth and her climate by setting positive intentions, shifting social practices, and practical steps we can all take to limit our impact on the environment.

Be sure to tune in for part two on Jamie’s FaceBook Live show, this Thursday, April 20th, 2017:


4 comments to Graceful Insights- Earth & Climate

  1. upst8 at 11:23 am

    Thank You, Grace and Jamie. I really got so emotional. I love Mother Earth, and I love all of humanity. But I am saddened about all those who want to brush this fact of Global Warming aside. I am going to share, in hopes I reach many, and maybe even to change some hearts about it. Love to you.

  2. kathleenyoungsma at 4:25 pm

    Love you Grace, Thank you for talking about this, you really connected with me on my desire for everyone to wake up, and remind the corrupt power who they work for. All the GOOD PEOPLE who live in USA knows what we want, need for kindness, equality, taking back the power to ethical consciousness of us. Get all those sustainable patents for cars, and pollution, the Rothchild’s bought and locked up. Mother Earth needs us to never let her down. I live at the beach, and straws and plastics our locals pick up off the beach needs to change. The city changed and banned plastic bags, that really helped with the after events trash too. Federally we need to change all the satanic pediphile big club of covering for each other…Jesus spiritually, I pray everyday, so I feel like my consciousness and angels called are contributing something. What else should I do Grace? Thank you sweetheart! Power to the People! Everyone Need for love & Light! God Bless, and Namaste!!!

  3. kathleenyoungsma at 4:28 pm

    How can I share these individual videos? I always share on your fb, and at the top right corner at this THS Network first page, and you tube individual videos.

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