Graceful Insights: Manifestations for the Coming Year

Happy New Year from Jamie and The Lighter Side Show team! Grace is back with another guided holiday meditation. Join Grace as she leads us on a meditation to enhance your abilities to manifest and work towards your goals for 2018. 


4 comments to Graceful Insights: Manifestations for the Coming Year

  1. davek312 at 7:38 pm

    That was pure beauty and bliss! It really helped me reach my center and recalibrate. Thank you Grace and Jamie! Happy New Year(as if time were linear)!

  2. bobbym76 at 8:50 pm

    Now that was an incredible meditation! I absolutely love the breathing exercise and rhythm. What a great way to start the new year…Grace continues to impress me with her words and guidance.

  3. andrewlecy at 3:34 pm

    What a beautiful video! Grace brings and spreads such peace-filled wisdom that is very applicable. Thank you for this, All! Happy New Year!

  4. ttottx at 3:20 am

    I’m in a comfortable position, I have my cat (Norl) in my lap, I’m ready to begin! 😛

    and ended with Maitland (kitty) across my chest 😛

    well done, Grace. I need practice on a few things 🙂

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