Guided Tree of Life Meditation with Jamie

Jamie guides you through the Tree of Life mediation. This is a wonderful meditation to take you on a journey into your past, present, and future lives. Relax and enjoy!


One comment to Guided Tree of Life Meditation with Jamie

  1. kathleenyoungsma at 4:48 pm

    Love this…ahhhh. I have 14 lives I’m living, I saw four of my bodies, including this one I am temporarily occupying. One of my favorite photos is the garden I had to go into and explore :). My purpose of why I am here, I saw a strong fleet of tanks on land coming towards me then drove past me and beyond, and an entire Fleet of Navy ships coming towards me and beyond. What a trip, one of my spirit guides, Scotty told me, I am to bring the blinding flash of God to darkness, and I could I please pick it up. LOL I know I’ve got work to do :). Thank you Jamie, Namaste

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