Introduction to Intuition with Laura Boone
Join Laura Boone for an introduction to identifying your intuitive abilities, a rundown of clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience, plus a sneak preview of what to expect on The Real Ethereal in the weeks to come!
2 comments to Introduction to Intuition with Laura Boone
Thank you, Laura. I’ve watched and enjoyed so many of your shows and decided to binge watch, from beginning to end. Even this first show was so helpful to me, as it seemed to give me permission to acknowledge my own “jumbled up” understanding of my own gifts. Funny how I began singing the song from “The Sound of Music” – Do Re Me … “Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start…”
Again, thank you. <3
Laura, thank you so much for sharing your gifts! You are such a beautiful person inside and out ~ and you truly make this world a better place. I’m really enjoying all of your episodes. You’ve given me a whole new
perspective on astrology and have inspired me to dig deeper and continue to learn more. And I love your Crystal Sisters episodes! When is your next one coming out? Have you released one since returning from the crystal show in Tuscan? I’m always checking…
Again, deepest thanks for sharing!