The Lighter Side Show in San Francisco: Graceful Insights—Grace with Dan Drasin
In The Lighter Side Show‘s final episode in San Francisco, Jamie channels Grace, who is interviewed by paranormal documentary filmmaker, Dan Drasin. Grace answers questions about her relationship with Jamie as conduit, her role in the afterlife, and the nature of Spirit.
Watch Dan’s documentary, Calling Earth here.
13 comments to The Lighter Side Show in San Francisco: Graceful Insights—Grace with Dan Drasin
That was fucking incredible. I do desire more interviews with Grace and Dan. He is the perfect one for a mini series of some sort with Grace. Once again thank you all for this true labor of love. Wishing u all a magical, blissful and joyous holidays.
I feel the same Dan and Grace where amazing conversations..
I think I mentioned it in my last comment on a Grace video, but somehow she has snuck up on me and become my favorite person to listen to… I really like it when she shares more background and relates stories from her other lives. Also I truly enjoyed these past few episodes with Dan Drasin. He is very easy to listen to, and someone I can relate with… Great episode all around.
I had to watch this episode twice. It has some very interesting conversations that I just wanted to hear twice. I would love to know what the cat thought of Grace and if the cat knew it was a different personality?
p.s. I just got a new kitten a day ago and called her Gracie did you have any influence in the name Grace?
Being blind in one eye I am aware of all the sounds around me, they receive acknowledgement especially my cats meows. I know all 18 cats meows and footfalls.
Maitland: You speak kitty. I will come to talk to you in kitty meows! LOL
All I have to do is learn your meow and I’ll know it’s you 😉 Hang around Sith, Ying, Norl or Cain as a female visible cat, they’ll make you meow from them chasing you 😛
oops, the other comment was supposed to be stand-alone. Anyway, I have Maitland kitty. She was delivered during a facebook Maitland channeling so I thought she had something to do with it. She said she had absolutely nothing to do with it. I found out it was my great aunt who told me when I was about 4 that she’d come back to me later in life as an animal or cat. In my vast 4 yr old vocabulary I said “ok!” 😛
How cool is that?!! go Auntie!!
She wants to be a “lazy damn cat” 😛 Well, she’s not entertained by how I raise my cats to be the cattiest cats they can be and know allllllll the cat skills so in case they get lost they can easily eat. She’ll start learning next summer how to be that lazy cat 😛
This was wonderful, thank you all so much! Only a bit short, i hope that the next interaction was recorded as well, some of us lumineers will definitely understand ♡
Yay! This is what I was hoping you would start doing. What a great show. Dan and Grace have such gentle personalities.
That was pretty fascinating. Hope there’s another episode! Amazing the sounds you pick up when listening with headphones 🙂
Thanks for this!